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  • chris

When football is more than you see on the field.

Football is this beautiful yet crazy game. As boys we fall in love with it, learn so many life lessons from it, then one day you look up and you play your last game as the game seemingly keeps on moving without you.

Photo Credit: Falcon Foto

Sometimes a picture really can say a thousand words. I can only imagine the hurt in Westin's heart in this picture snapped during the Borger game. He tore up his knee during the Childress game while playing some of the best football he has ever played with a team of his brothers that get better every week. In a Dr’s office on a Tuesday morning he found out his Senior season on the field was over.

The part of the story this picture doesn’t capture is the character of the young man who when faced with this adversity chose not to call it a season but find new ways to help his team get better. There are only a handful of kickers in the entire State of Texas the caliber of Westin Forbes and losing him created a HUGE hole to fill on Special Teams. The task fell on the shoulders of a sophomore named Sid Carroll who got the call up to varsity last week. This is where Westin found his way to make the biggest impact for his team. Every day at practice while offense and defense are working you will find Westin at Sid’s side working with him, helping him not only with the physical side of things like where to make contact with the ball but also the mental side of what to expect when you run on that field under the Friday night lights. That work paid off last Friday night as Sid went 6 for 7 on extra points and nailed a 30yd FG. Westin’s impact was still felt out on the field.

This Wednesday (the 28th) say a prayer for Westin as he goes into surgery to repair his knee. He may not kick another football this season but for these Falcons to accomplish their goals they will lean heavily on the impact he has on the kicking game.

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